Let’s Work together offers the opportunity to find employment that best suits our personnel. We connect you with companies that are looking to find their next permanent employee. We want to meet with you and build a relationship. This allows us to find the best possible position that will give opportunity to learn a new skill or trade. We build and connect with the right people at the companies and clients we work with to help bridge the gap. We don’t charge our employees for this service. When you meet the employer we provide you with all the necessary information that we have collected for the position you will be performing or interview for. We live in the same community that you do and have built and established relationships with the companies we provide our staffing services to. |
IMPORTANT NOTE: Our online application is completed through pdffiller, this is done in your browser and you are not required to download anything in order to complete this step. The best way to complete the application online is with a laptop or computer. You can use your phone, however it has proven more difficult for iPhone users.
What do I do next?
Upon completing your online application, you will receive an email and we will notified it is completed. Our recruiters will contact to schedule a virtual or an in person interview. During this process we will work 1 on 1 with you and determine what position will be the best fit for you. Please call if you have any questions 360-377-2408.